Fort Myers, FL
(239) 567-9199

Water Polymers

With over 25 years experience in working with polymer selection and testing we can offer assistance in problem solving, selection of new treatment strategies and more.  We also have access to a wide array of treatment professionals who can and will help to resolve a treatment plant issue or to select the ideal treatment for a utility.   Have gang stirrer, will travel!

Water treatment polymers including:

  • Dry
  • Emulsion
  • Dispersion
  • Liquid (DADMAC) and Polyamines
  • ACH (with and without polymer)
  • PACL (with and without polymer)

Products are only provided after careful selection and, preferably,  laboratory testing.  All products offered for potable water applications are NSF certified.

Applications include:

  • Flocculant for lime softening
  • Filter Aid
  • Primary coagulant for organics/color reduction
  • ACH and PACL for primary coagulation and pre-treatment for (MF/UF) and other applications
  • Dewatering